Fit for Winter: Bye-Bye Bowl Cardio HIIT.
On a powder day, Bye-Bye Bowl is the place to ski. Especially on those sunny powder days. Found on the far skiers left of Great Divide Express, Bye-Bye Bowl will have you saying “bye-bye” to Alberta as you ski the deep pillows of pocket.
With snow so good, it’s easy to leave friends in the dust as you race down the perfect pitch and back to the bottom of Great Divide to score a second, and third lap in the untracked pow. Perhaps that’s how the run was named.
Like a Bye-Bye Bowl on a powder day, this High Intensity Interval Training workout will get your heart racing. For the workout, all you’ll need is a pillow, your running shoes, and a timer. The goal is to work through each exercise for one minute before moving onto the next exercise. Give yourself 10 seconds in between exercises to catch your breath, and two minutes in between sets – because you’ve earned that chairlift ride to rest.
Ready? Let’s Ride!
In a wide parallel position, lift your pillow overhead and throw it down like you’re mad at it. You want to throw the pillow as hard as you can. Pick up the pillow and repeat.
Starting with your feet in a wide parallel, throw the pillow to the ground as hard as you can. Instead of picking up the pillow plant your hands to the ground and hop into a plank position. Bring your feet back to your hands, pick up the pillow and jump up. Repeat as many times as you can in one minute.
Find your plank position. Engage your core and bring your right hand to tap your left shoulder. Return to the center and bring your left hand to tap your right shoulder. Repeat as many times as you can.
Just like the first exercise, find your feet in a wide parallel position. Lift your pillow overhead as you jump and slam the pillow down to the floor as hard as you can. Pick up the pillow and repeat.
Step your right leg forward into a deep lunge, while holding the pillow at your chest. Once in your deep lunge circle the pillow under your right leg. Have the pillow cross side and return back to the center. Repeat.
Find yourself in a tabletop plank, with your knees hovering above the ground. Hold for a count of 4, then jump your legs back into a full plank. Hold for a count of 4. Repeat.
Holding the pillow in both arms, skate side to side. Lowering the pillow to tap the floor at each side.
Jump forward with both feet, land solid and jump forward with your right leg. Jump back with both feet, land solid and hop back with your left leg – over and over again.
Place the pillow on the ground and step onto the pillow with your left foot, squat down into your tuck position and stand back up. Repeat as many times as you can.
Place the pillow on the ground and hope over the pillow side to side as many times as you can in one minute.
Catch your breath and enjoy the view of Mount Assiniboine as you fly back up for another lap through. For an Express workout, work through the exercises twice – once leading with your right leg, and once leading with your left. For a more extreme workout repeat the exercises four times, twice on your right and twice on your left.